There are many verses that confirm Yahshua’s existence before his incarnation. John 6:38 states he “came down from heaven”, John 3:13 states he “ascended into heaven” and “descended from heaven”. In John 17:5 Yahshua asks Yahweh to “glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world (time) existed.”, and in John 17:24 he said “You loved me before the foundation of the world”. This supports John 1:1 that states he was ‘with God” and “a god”.
Yahshua was the seed of the woman prophesied in Gen 3:15, as stated in Revelation 12: 1 – 2, & 5.
Yahshua was the spirit of Elijah implanted in Mary, as stated in Luke 1:35, who was prophesied to come before the day of Yahweh in Malachi 4:5. Matt 17:12 is translated to make it appear that the name Elijah refers to John the Baptist, but the Hebrew כבר translated ‘already’ to make it sound like Elijah has ‘already come’ is translated ‘already now’ in Matt 3:10 of the axe NOW being at the root of the tree. We see in looking at the verses where Strong’s G2235 is found that it means ‘now after all this waiting’, not ‘previously’ as we are made to believe in Matt 17:12.
The genealogy in Matt 1:16 states that Yahshua is the child of Mary and Joseph.
The Hebrew text of John 1:14 & 18 has ben בן that means ‘son’, and יחיד that means ‘only, only one, solitary’. The King James and NASB do not translate ben בן, and יחיד is translated ‘only begotten’. The words should be translated ‘only son’, not ‘only begotten’. The word ‘begotten’ falsely represents that Yahweh is Yahshua’s literal father, like the genealogy in Matt 1:1 to 17, where the Hebrew ולד that means ‘child, offspring’ is translated ‘father’ in NIV and NASB, but ‘begat’ in KJV.
When all the facts are considered, it is evident that translators have mislead people into believing Yahweh is Yahshua’s literal father, and that he is not Elijah.
In the Book of Enoch by R.H. Charles Chapter X v 12 “And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgment and of their consummation, till the judgment that is for ever and ever is consummated.”
Whether the book of Enoch is inspired or not, the author knew there were 70 generations from Enoch to Yahshua the Messiah. When we add the 7 generations from Adam to Enoch we get 77 generations, which is the ‘seventy sevens’ in Daniel 9:24.
The 70 generations from Enoch to Yahshua and the 77 generations from Adam to Yahshua are listed in Luke 3: 23 – 38, with Admin in Luke 3:33 removed, because it is not in the Hebrew text. Interestingly, 33 is a Masonic number, perhaps a sign of who inserted this name into the Greek text to confuse us!
In Matt 16:13 – 20 Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, He was asking His disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” And they said, “Some [say] John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; but still others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” And Jesus said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal [this] to you, but My Father who is in heaven. “I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.” Then He warned the disciples that they should tell no one that He was the Christ.
The same account in Mark 8:27 – 30 excludes “. . .the Son of the living God.” And Jesus said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal [this] to you, but My Father who is in heaven. “I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.”
In Luke 9:18 – 21 instead of Peter answering “you are the Messiah” he said “the Messiah of God”, and excludes “. . .the Son of the living God.” And Jesus said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal [this] to you, but My Father who is in heaven. “I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.”
This supports that the text of Matt 16: 16 – 19 was added at a later date.
Critics identify interpolations in the New Testament using a multi-pronged approach. They analyze ancient manuscripts for inconsistencies. They compare verses in question to the authors normal speech patterns, theology, and life, and identify differences which indicate other authorship.
Paul was the target of many pseudepigraphic writings. Out of the 13 writings attributed to him, the Pastoral Epistles, which include 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus, are largely thought to be falsely attributed to Paul, and 2 Thessalonians, Ephesians and Colossians, are widely debated. Hebrews was traditionally thought to be authored by Paul, but because the writing style is different than Romans, Galatians, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Philemon, Philippians and 1 Thessalonians, few scholars ascribe it to Paul.
Many theologians frown upon criticizing scripture, ignoring obvious inconsistencies, leaving the Bible and Christianity itself open to criticism from other religions and atheists. Most of Christianity adhere to the Church structure and Patriarchy found in the Pastoral Epistles, ignoring the equality Paul spoke of in Galatians 3:28, and Yahshua in Matt 23: 8 & 10. Paul spoke of all members of the body exercising their spiritual gifts in an organized fashion in 1 Cor 14: 1 – 32, not the structure found in all Churches with one Minister or Priest teaching and members silently accepting what is taught.
It is prudent to consider various opinions, weighing the evidence provided, giving full consideration the scriptures used in support and critiques of scripture, we should pray for the Spirit of truth to guide us in all truth as Yahshua stated in John 16:13, because we need to protect ourselves from the spirit רוח of error/confusion תועה as warned in 1 John 4:6.
The evidence against 1 Corinthians 14:34 – 35 is significant. First, these verses were not in the original text, but written in the margin. Secondly, the idea that women are to remain silent, contradicts the fact that all members of the congregation exercise their gifts of the spirit received on Pentecost, in fulfilment of Joel as recorded in Acts 2:16 – 21. Thirdly, it states “as also the law says” but there is no such law. This evidence should cause many to question the authorship of the text, but they do not, largely because all members are silenced in Christian churches.
The final evidence against 1 Corinthians 14:34 – 35 is the Hebrew נשי translated ‘woman’ means ‘debt, creditor’, as נשה is translated in Luke 7:41 & 16:5, and בעל is translated ‘husbands’, but is translated ‘Baal’ in Romans 11:4, from the Hebrew H1168 that means ‘a heathen god’.
The English translation of 1 Peter 3: 1 – 7 is the foundation of patriarchy, but the Hebrew text has a completely different message.
In 1 Peter 3:1 and 5 the Hebrew word נשי translated ‘wives’ means ‘debt’ or ‘waste’, and the Hebrew בעל translated ‘husbands’ mean ‘owner, lord’, and in 1 Peter 3:7 the Hebrew אשה translated ‘wives’ means ‘woman’, and the Hebrew אנש translated ‘husband’ means ‘sick’, exposing a completely different meaning than the English translations would have us believe.
In the article Woman Rulers in Isaiah 3:12, we looked at the Hebrew word נשי classified as Strong’s H802 over 200 times and translated ‘women’, when it means ‘a debt’ (Strong’s H5386 1 occurrence), from נשה (Strong’s H5383 13 occurrences) that means ‘to lend, become a creditor’. Also, the Hebrew נשך (Strong’s H5392 10 occurrences) means ‘interest, usury’, from נשך (Strong’s H5391 16 occurrences) that means ‘usury, oppress with interest’.
What’s more, the ‘woman’ אשה in 1 Peter 3:7 is the same ‘woman’ who gave birth to the male child in Revelation 12: 1 – 5, who was prophesied to bear the seed in Genesis 3:15, which was the nation of Israel.
Sadly, the mistranslation of these verses results in women falling victim to men who put themselves in place of God, and men falling victim to false teachings that support patriarchy.
Since the English translation is from the Greek text, retranslating the Hebrew text requires a great deal of effort. It is necessary to list the Greek words (see the Text Analysis for 1 Peter 3:7 on, manually match the Hebrew words (found at the bottom of the page), and find the meaning of the Hebrew words with Strong’s numbers.
The Analysis of the Text and Translation of 1 Peter 3:7 in the table below reveals the following meaning; “Righteous station כן you אתם the sick of them האנשים take captive שבו binding them together עמהן with understanding בתבונה that כי vessel כלי to weaken רפה the woman האשה . . .” Peter was warning that the woman would be deceived, just as she was in Genesis 3: 1 – 6!
Let’s take a closer look at key words mistranslated in 1 Peter 3:7, which reveals tactics the translators use to change the meaning of text.
‘Likewise’ or ‘Office/Station’ כן
The Hebrew כן, according to Strong’s Concordance means ‘thus, as follows’ in Aramaic (Strong’s H3652 with 8 occurrences). In Hebrew, it is often translated ‘so, therefore’ (Strong’s H3651 with 767 occurrences), but can mean ‘right, veritable, honest’ according to Brown-Driver-Briggs, the same as Strong’s H3653 (16 occurrences) that means ‘base, pedestal, office’.
‘So’ indicates “in a manner or way indicated”, and is often used as a substitute for a preceding clause. It adds nothing to the information presented, and can be used of the righteous or sinners. But if the underlying meaning of כן is ‘right’ or ‘righteous office/station’, then it is only used of the righteous.
We see evidence that כן means ‘righteous office’ as God completed each day’s task in Gen 1:7, 9, 11, 15, 24, 30, it says “and it was right”, which is more meaningful than “it was so”.
In Gen 2:24 כן is not translated, and the preceding word עזב that means ‘forsake’ is translated ‘shall leave’, to coverup the fact that Adam did ‘forsake’ עזב Yahweh’s ‘righteous station’ כן.
This is a common tactic used to change the meaning of text – putting a meaningless word, or no word at all, in place of the real word, which is very difficult to spot.
In the New Testament, כן is classified as homios (G3668 31 occurrences) and translated ‘likewise’, as is the Hebrew גם (Strong’s H1571) that does mean ‘also, moreover, even’, and the Hebrew כמה (Strong’s H3644) that means ‘like, as, when’.
In Matt 22:26, 26:35, 27:41, Mark 15:31, Luke 5:10, 33, 6:31, 10:32, 37, Romans 1:27, and James 2:25, where both כן and גם or כמה are found, כן is classified as G2532 and translated ‘also’. The Hebrew כן is also classified as G3483 (34 occurrences) that means ‘yes, certainly, even so’. In Rev 1:7, גם is classified as G2532 and translated ‘even’, and כן is classified as G3483 and translated ‘even so’.
The words in Romans 1:27 “And righteous station וכן also גם the males of them הזכרים forsake עזב union את . . .”, are very similar to Gen 2:24 where עזב is translated ‘shall leave’, and כן and את are not translated, to hide the true meaning of the text.
In 1 Peter 3:7, כן is translated ‘likewise’, but looking at the sentence, we see ‘righteous station’ is who the “sick of them take captive with understanding that weaken vessel woman . . .”
‘Husbands’ or ‘Sick of Them’ אנשים
The Hebrew אנש classified as G435 and translated ‘husbands’ in 1 Peter 3:7, means ‘be weak, sick’ (Strong’s H605 9 occurrences). Although they claim the meaning of אנש in Aramaic changed to ‘man, mankind’ (Strong’s H606 25 occurrences), it is largely used of Kings and the members of their earthly kingdom in the Ezra and Daniel, who are corrupted by power and wealth. Strong’s H605 is said to be from a primitive root, but H606 is said to correspond to אנוש (Strong’s H582 222 occurrences), that Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance says is from H605 that means “a mortal (and thus differing from the more dignified adam)”.
In A Hebrew & Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament on p. 125, Dr. J Fuerst indicates אנש predominantly means ‘to be sick, ill’ often in the sense of ‘morally bad’, and he disagrees with the connection drawn with איש, that in the אנוש form “denotes mortal, decaying man”, particularly “low minded, corrupt man”, as איש is also used on p. 120.
Hebrew words have been classified based on what the translators wanted them to mean, not what they really mean, which results in the corruption of the Greek and English translations.
Strong’s classification of the Hebrew words anash אנש, enosh אנוש, and ish איש, is a jumbled mess, perhaps intentionally to prevent us from understanding the true meaning of these words. Only 33 of the 222 occurrences of H582 are in the form אנוש, with 155 in the form אנש, and 34 in the form איש. Ish איש is sometimes classified as H376 (2006 occurrences), but many are in the form אנש. It is no small feat to straighten this mess out.
The problem is compounded in the New Testament, where various Hebrew words are classified as Strong’s G435 (216 occurrences) that means ‘male, husband, betrothed’. Of the 216 occurrences, 103 are in the form ish איש that means ‘mighty one’, as adam was in Gen 2:24, 3:16, 76 are in the form אנש that means ‘sick’, 29 are in the form baal בעל, and 4 in the form adam אדם. Ish איש is also classified as Strong’s G5100 and translated ‘any, anyone, one, some, anything, some, etc’, which is also found in the form אנש in Matt 9:3.
‘Dwell’ or ‘Take Captive’ שב
The Hebrew שב classified as G4924 (1 occurrence) that means ‘to dwell together’ and translated ‘dwell’ in 1 Peter 3:7, when it means ‘take captive’ (Strong’s H7617). The Hebrew שב is found in Isaiah 61:1 “to proclaim לקרא to the captives שב liberty דרור . . .”, and in quoting this verse in Luke 4:18 – 19, שב is classified as G164 and translated ‘captives’. Strangely, שב is not indicated to be an equivalent Hebrew word for G4924, but it is for G164! It appears they have deliberately misclassified this occurrence of שב to hide the true meaning in 1 Peter 3:7.
‘Wives’ or ‘Woman’ אשה
The Hebrew ishshah אשה with the he-suffix means ‘woman’ (ignoring the fact that the origin of the English words ‘man’ and ‘wo-man’ are unknown and possibly pagan). In this case, there is no taw suffix to indicate possession, so it doesn’t mean ‘wife’. Classified as G1134 (1 occurrence) that means ‘female’ in 1 Peter 4:7, but normally classified as G1135 (217 occurrences) that means ‘woman’.
Why was this one and only occurrence of ishshah אשה classified as G1134? To prevent us from seeing that it is the same Hebrew word found in Revelation 12 – the woman clothed with the stars v1, the women who was about to give birth v4, the woman who fled into the wilderness v6, the woman Satan persecuted v13, the woman given two wings to fly from the presence of the serpent v14, the woman the serpent spewed water to overtake v15, the woman helped by the earth v16, and the woman Satan was enraged with, and went to make war with the rest of her children in v17!
‘According to’ or ‘Bind Together’ עמה
In 1 Peter 3:7, the Hebrew עמה (Strong’s H5980 32 occurrences) is classified as Strong’s G2596 (480 occurrences) that means ‘down, against, according to’. But עמה is a form of עם that (Strong’s H5971 1868 occurrences) that means means ‘people, tribes’, those ‘united, connected, related’, and similarly means ‘to unite, to bind together, to join’, and is more accurately categorized as Strong’s G2992 (142 occurrences) that means ‘people’.
Although עמה (Strong’s H5980 32 occurrences) is indicated to mean ‘close by, side by side with, parallel to, agreeing with, corresponding to’, from עם H5973 (1043 occurrences) that means ‘with’, according to Dr. J. Fuerst in A Hebrew & Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament p. 1064 עמה means prop. ‘society, union, neighborship, companionship, nearness, side’, as a particle of comparison ‘like as, similarly to’ prop. ‘in common with’. Fuerst states on p. 343, the he ה suffix indicates “direction towards a thing”.
In Gen 3:6 עמה is classified as Strong’s H5973 עם (1043 occurrences) and translated ‘with her’, which covers up the fact that Adam and the Woman were forming a ‘union’. This is a common method of disguising mistranslated words, having multiple classifications for the same word in different forms.
‘Weaker’ or ‘weak/to weaken’ רפה
There are 3 different Hebrew words classified as the Greek asthenḗs (Strong’s G772 25 occurrences) that means ‘weak, infirm, feeble’:
חול (Strong’s H2342 60 occurrences) that means ‘to whirl, dance, writhe’, fig. ‘to be in severe pain, or anguish’, translated ‘sick’, in Matt 25:43, 44, Luke 9:2, 10:9, Acts 4:9, 5:15, 16(7 of 25).
חלש (Strongs H2522) that means ‘to be weak, prostrate’, in Romans 5:6, 1 Cor 1:25, 27, 4:10, 8:7, 9, 10, 9:22, 11:30, 2 Cor 10:10, 1 Thes 5:14 (13 of 25).
רפה (Strong’s H7503 46 occurrences) that means ‘sink, relax’, fig. ‘lose heart, energy’, in Matt 26:41, Mark 14:38, 1 Peter 3:7, 1 Cor 12:22 and Gal 4:9 (5 of 25).
In the Hebrew Bible רפה is translated ‘weak, weakened, be weak’ in 2 Chr 15:7, 28:20, Ezra 4:4, Neh 6:9, Job 12:21, Jer 38:4, similarly ‘feeble, faint’ in 2 Sam 4:1, Jer 6:24, 49:24, 50:43, ‘slack’ in Josh 10:6, 18:3, Prov 18:9, 24:10, and ‘fail’ in Deut 4:31, 31:6, 8, Josh 1:5, Isa 13:7.
In the context of Matt 26:41 and Mark 14:38, Yahshua warned his disciples to “watch שקדו and pray תפל to him לו lest פן you will come תבאו to hand of ידי testing נסיון here הן the spirit רוח they היא inclined to חפצה, but the flesh בשר itself הוא weak רפה.”
In 1 Cor 12:22 Paul said “That כי to turn/change/pervert להפך strong of אברי the body/corpse הגוף that seem הנראים weak רפים they הם for us לנו to your adversary לצרך in much ביותר.”
In 1 Peter 3:7 רפה is translated ‘weaker’ in comparison to husbands, but it’s meaning doesn’t include a comparative element, nor does the context support it.
In the article Freemasonry and the Statue of Liberty, Freemasonry takes credit for the creation and erection of the Statue of Liberty, the “symbol of freedom and opportunity”. Plans were made for laying the cornerstone of the pedestal with a masonic ceremony, like George Washington had personally laid the cornerstone of the United Stated capital on Sep 18, 1793 with the assistance of the Grand Lodge of Maryland.
While researching her book Liberty’s Torch: The Great Adventure to Build the Statue of Liberty, Elizabeth Mitchell discovered that Lady Liberty’s face is that of a man, not a woman. She didn’t think this was accidental because Frederic Auguste Bartholdi “was known for his accuracy”. Mitchell also discovered that the statue was not a gift from the French government, but “the brainchild of French activist Edouard de Laboulaye”, who raised money for the project with sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. Money was raised by newspaper baron Joseph Pulitzer to fund erection of the statue in New York. (From the article ‘Is the Statue of Liberty actually a man? This expert thinks so’ by Andrea Morabito on
In the article The Statue of Liberty and its ties to the Middle East, it states that Bartholdi “visited Egypt in 1955 and expressed his admiration for the colossal statures on the façade of the temple at Abu Simbel.” The statue of Liberty “hearkens back strongly to reconstructions of the Colossus of Rhodes . . . created by Chares of Lindos between 292 to 280 BC . . . of the Greek solar deity Helios”. The crown of solar rays was worn by Ptolemaic kings to represent themselves as Helios on earth.
According to the Gnostic website Glorian, “Helios represents an androgynous being, an Elohim (male and female in one, complete) like the primordial Adam”. They quote Gen 1:28 and then quote H. P. Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine (in Vol 2 of 4 on p. 58) that states “with the Jews Adam Kadmon was the same as Athamaz, Tamaz, or Adonis of the Greeks – ‘the One with, and of his father’ – the ‘Father’ becoming during the later races Helios, the Sun, as Apollo Karneios, for instance, who was the ‘Sun born’.”
In the beginning, the state of the earth “was formless and void” in Gen 1:2, which is explained in Jer 4: 22 – 26 “My people are fools; they have not known Me. They are foolish children, without understanding. They are skilled in doing evil, but they know not how to do good. I looked at the earth, and it was formless and void; I looked to the heavens, and they had no light. I looked, and the fruitful land was a desert. All its cities were torn down before the LORD, before His fierce anger.”
The sixth day prophecies the Messiah through who we are made in the image of God, male and female, and rule over the earth. Yahshua said “In the resurrection, people will neither marry nor be given in marriage, but they will be like the angels in heaven” in Matt 22:30. Having become one with the Messiah, being the bride of the Lamb Rev 19:7, we will be sons of God that Paul spoke of in Romans 8:14 – 19. The seventh day, when God completed his work, hasn’t happened yet. That is why Yahshua said “My Father has been working until now, and I have been working” in John 5:17. One of the many lies we’ve been told by our Rabbi’s, Priests and Ministers is that we were created in the image of God.
Hidden in plain sight is a Masonic statue revealing their plan to make mankind gender X, which they recognize as fulfillment of the sixth day prophecy in which we are made in the image of God in Gen 1:26 – 31. However, they are changing the flesh not the spirit, and “flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does corruption inherit incorruption” 1 Cor 15:50.
We have been told by organized religion that we were made in the image of God, based on the seven creation days describing the original creation, when they describe the fall, and prophesy the recreation of the world.
“The earth was formless and void” in Gen 1:2 is explained in Jer 4: 22 – 26 “My people are fools; they have not known Me. They are foolish children, without understanding. They are skilled in doing evil, but they know not how to do good. I looked at the earth, and it was formless and void; I looked to the heavens, and they had no light. I looked at the mountains, and behold, they were quaking; all the hills were swaying. I looked, and no man was left; all the birds of the air had fled. I looked, and the fruitful land was a desert. All its cities were torn down before the LORD, before His fierce anger.”
The sixth day prophecies the Messiah through whom we are made in the image of God, male and female. Yahshua said “In the resurrection, people will neither marry nor be given in marriage, but they will be like the angels in heaven” in Matt 22:30. “Like the angels” means being male and female, having become one with the Messiah, being the bride of the Lamb Rev 19:7.
Planet X, Twitter’s name being changed to X, and the dreaded disease X, may have something to do with the gender X, which is now an option instead of M of F on government identification like driver’s licenses.
It appears they are trying to enter the sheepfold another way as warned in John 10:1. They are trying to turn males into females and females into males, gender x, which will not make us “like the angels”, but like Adam was after becoming “a living soul” in Gen 2:7, before the Woman was “seized from his side . . . and rebuilt into a Woman” in Gen 2:21 – 22.
In the article The Creation week Reveals God’s 7000 Year Plan of Redemption, the coming of the Messiah is included in the 5th day, and the 2nd coming of the Messiah and the millennial reign are categorized under the 7th day.
A close look at the 7 creation days in Genesis 1:1 to 2:3, reveals that the Messiah’s 1st and 2nd coming, and his millennial reign with the saints occur on the 6th day, because on the 7th day the new heavens and earth are complete.
The first 3 creation days involve separation – light from dark on day 1 in Gen 1:3 – 5, the waters above from the waters below on day 2 in Gen 1:6 – 8, and the dry land from the waters called seas on day 3 in Gen 1:9 – 13. Man was separate from God when he was made from the dust in Gen 2:7. As Paul stated in 1 Cor 15:45 “the first man Adam became a living soul”, contrasting him with the Messiah “the last Adam – a life-giving spirit.”
On the 4th creation day in Gen 1:14 – 19, lights are put in the heavens to separate the day from the night, the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night, and stars, as signs and for seasons, days and years. The tracking of time began when Adam was cast out from the garden of Eden, having become apart (echad אחד translated ‘like one’) from Yahweh God in Gen 3:22 – 23. In the New Jerusalem, there is no need of the sun or the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illumines it, and its lamp is the Lamb in Rev 21:23.
On the 5th creation day in Gen 1:20 – 23, the water is filled with fish, sea monsters, and all living creatures that move after their kind, and the sky with every winged bird. Mankind began multiplying in Gen 4, the generations from Adam to Noah and his offspring in Gen 5, which continues until the end of time, which is the final judgment in Rev 20:11 – 15. Since there are no seas in the new heaven and earth in Rev 21:1, we can imagine there mustn’t be any fish, sea monsters, or other living creatures in the sea.
All the things created in days 1 – 5 are ‘the first heaven and earth’ that passes away in Rev 21: 1 – 2, and when the new heaven and earth are complete there is no more sea, and the holy city, new Jerusalem, comes down out of heaven from God. Mankind are separate from God, but in the new heaven and earth, the tabernacle of God is with man, and God dwells among them, and they are God’s people Rev 21:3.
The 6th day begins with the separation of Israel – ‘living souls’, from the nations – ‘creeping things and animal’s’ in Gen 1:24 – 25. This started with Abraham and Sarah (the free woman, not the slave Gal 4:22 – 23), through whom would come the promised seed Gen 3:15, that was the Messiah in Galatians 3:16.
The 77 generations from Adam to the Messiah listed in Luke 3:23-38, is the 77th generation prophesied in Daniel 9: 24 – 27, when Yahweh would have compassion on the city and people called by his name, in answer to Daniel’s prayers in Dan 9:17 – 19.
The generation the Messiah was born, is when God made man (adam אדם) in their image, to rule over the living creatures in the sea and the sky and on the earth Gen 1:26, Gods created man (adam אדם) in their image, male and female, blessed them Gen 1:27, which is the reign of the Messiah and the saints for a thousand years in Rev 20:4.
During the millennial reign of the Messiah and the saints, the harvest continues and they “are fruitful and multiply and fill union the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the living creatures of the sea, the heavens and on the earth, and gave them the fruit of every herb and every tree for food, to every creature on the earth, every bird in the air, and every creeping thing on the earth leader in him soul live union with all green herb to consume and be upright station.” in Gen 1:28 – 30.
The 7th creation day is when the heavens and the earth are completed, and all their hosts, and Yahweh rests (Hebrew שבת that means ‘sabbath, rest’) from his work, and set it apart (Hebrew קדש translated ‘sanctified’) in Gen 2:1 – 3.
Yahshua said “My Father is working until now, and I myself am working” in John 5:17. . The Hebrew word translated ‘working’ is פעל that means ‘to make, to fashion, to form’, the root means ‘to cut into, to divide’ then ‘to form, to create, to make’, like ברא. . This ‘working’ must continue until after the Gog war and final judgment in Rev 20: 7 – 15.
Only then are the new heaven and new earth are complete, and the holy city, new Jerusalem, comes down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband, and the tabernacle of God is “with community עם sons of בני the Adam האדם“ in Rev 21: 1 – 3. (In the Greek text עם is translated ‘with’, בני is not translated, and האדם is translated ‘men’.)
Many prophesies were fulfilled on the 6th creation day. As discussed above, the righteous are clothed in ‘fine white linen’, through the Messiah – the promised seed Gal 3:15, who will crush the head of the serpent in Gen 3:15, in the 77th generation listed in Luke 3: 23 – 38 as prophesied in Daniel 9: 24 – 27, beginning the millennial reign of the Messiah and the saints in Rev 20:4. But there are other prophesies like the day of Yahweh, the great tribulation, the resurrection, judgment, and the Gog war, that are critical to understanding what prophesies were fulfilled in the Apostles generation, and what are yet to be fulfilled, so we can better understand the situation we find ourselves in today.
In the next article we will look at All the Prophecies Fulfilled on the 6th Day.
The Gods Word to Women Word Press site is a great Bible study resource.
In her article Isaiah 3:12 – “the nations could sink no lower than to pass under women rulers”???, Charis explores the meaning of the words עולל (Strong’s H5065), and נשים (Strong’s H802), translated ‘children’ and ‘women’ in most Bible versions, except the Brenton Septuagint where they are translated ‘exactors’ and ‘extortioners’, and the Good News Translation ‘moneylenders’ and ‘creditors’.
The following evidence supports that these words mean ‘gleaners’ and ‘debtors’:
the Hebrew word עולל (Strong’s H5768 21 occurrences) that means ‘child’, is often found in the form עלל, that can mean ‘to act severely’ (Strong’s H5953 19 occurrences), or ‘a gleaning’ (Strong’s H5955 6 occurrences).
The Hebrew word נשי (Strong’s H5386 1 occurrence) means ‘a debt’, from נשה (Strong’s H5383 13 occurrences) that means ‘to lend, become a creditor’. Also, the Hebrew נשך (Strong’s H5392 10 occurrences) means ‘interest, usury’, from נשך (Strong’s H5391 16 occurrences) that means ‘usury, oppress with interest’.
Let’s compare the properly translated Isaiah 3:12 found in the Good News Translation to the improperly translated verse in the King James Bible:
“Moneylenders oppress my people, and their creditors cheat them. My people, your leaders are misleading you, so that you do not know which way to turn.” Good News Translation
“As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.” King James Bible
We see by this comparison, that most Bibles have rendered the English translation not only useless to understand God’s word, but deceptive as to who the oppressors of God’s people are, making it appear that children and woman are the problem, when it is the creditors. When the first sentence says “women rule over them”, then the assumption could be made that women ruling over them are “they which lead thee cause thee to error” in the second sentence.
That is why it is critical that we study the Bible in Hebrew, testing the translation to ensure we understand it’s meaning, so we don’t head in the wrong direction as a result of a faulty translation.
Translating Yahweh ‘Lord’ is especially misleading in the New Testament where Yahshua’s title is adon (Strong’s H113) that means ‘lord, master’.
Yahweh (Strong’s H3068) is classified as Strong’s G2962 kyrios that means ‘master, lord’, along with Strong’s H113 adon that means ‘firm, strong, lord, master’, H136 adonay that means ‘lord’, H410 el that means ‘god, god-like one, mighty one’, H430 elohim the plural of el, H433 allah that means ‘God, false god’, H1167 baal that means ‘owner, husband, lord, rulers’, H1376 gibber that means ‘lord, ruler’, H4756 that means ‘lord – of a king, or God’, H4911 that means ‘to represent, liken, be like, to speak in proverb or parable’, H6697 tsar that means ‘rock, cliff’ (but can mean ‘enemy’), H7706 shadday that means ‘almighty, most powerful’, H7980 that means ‘to domineer, exercise power over, dominate, lord it over’, and H7989 that means ‘having mastery, domineering, master, ruler’.
This is evidence that the New Testament was written in Hebrew and translated into Greek, then the Greek into English. It is also evidence that the Greek and English translations do not always accurately capture the meaning of the Hebrew text, thus can be misleading.
Since Strong’s has categorized various Hebrew words as G2962 that means ‘lord, Lord’, we must go through the Hebrew text manually to see how many times Yahweh occurs.
Strong’s G2962 is found 741 times (Romans 45 times) in KJV, 721 times (Romans 44 times) in NAS, 716 times (Romans 43 times) in HCS & BSB, 665 times (Romans 43 times) in ESV and 758 times (Romans 48 times) in WEB because the Hebrew words are classified differently by translators.
Of the 44 occurrences of G2962 in Romans, 9 are Yahweh and 35 are adon/adonay, and looking at the verses in question, we see the damage done to the meaning of verses where Yahweh is translated ‘Lord’.
Romans 1:7 adonay,
Romans 4:8 Yahweh, 24 adonay,
In Romans 4:8 “Blessed Adam not impute Yahweh to him sin.”
In Romans 9:29 is a quote from Isa 1:9 “Unless Yahweh of hosts had left us descendants like Sodom we would have become and like Gomorrah we would have been made.”
Romans 10:9 adon, 12 adon, 13 Yahweh, 16 Yahweh,
In Romans 10:13 is a quote from Joel 2:32 “everyone who calls on the name of Yahweh will be saved.”
In Romans 10:16 is a quote from Isa 53:1 Yahweh “who has believed our message.”
Romans 11:3 Yahweh, 34 Yahweh,
Romans 11:3 refers to 1 Kings 19:10 & 14 “Yahweh they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars. I am the only one left and they are seeking my life.”
In Romans 11:34 is a quote from Isa 40:13 “For who has directed (translated ‘known’) the spirit (translated ‘mind’) Yahweh and mighty one (ish not translated) counselor of him know?”
12:11 adon, 19 Yahweh,
In Romans 12:19 is a quote from Deut 32:25 “Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written ‘for mine is vengeance I will repay’ says Yahweh.”
13:14 adon,
14:4 adonay, 6 (adon x 4), 8 (adon x 3), 11 Yahweh, 14 adon,
Romans 14:11 refers to Isa 45:23 “As surely as I live says Yahweh every knee will bow before me, every tongue will confess to God.”
15:6 adonay, 11 Yahweh, 30 adonay,
Romans 15:11 quotes Psalm 117:1 “Praise Yahweh all you nations, extol him all you peoples.”