Translating Yahweh ‘Lord’ is especially misleading in the New Testament where Yahshua’s title is adon (Strong’s H113) that means ‘lord, master’.
Yahweh (Strong’s H3068) is classified as Strong’s G2962 kyrios that means ‘master, lord’, along with Strong’s H113 adon that means ‘firm, strong, lord, master’, H136 adonay that means ‘lord’, H410 el that means ‘god, god-like one, mighty one’, H430 elohim the plural of el, H433 allah that means ‘God, false god’, H1167 baal that means ‘owner, husband, lord, rulers’, H1376 gibber that means ‘lord, ruler’, H4756 that means ‘lord – of a king, or God’, H4911 that means ‘to represent, liken, be like, to speak in proverb or parable’, H6697 tsar that means ‘rock, cliff’ (but can mean ‘enemy’), H7706 shadday that means ‘almighty, most powerful’, H7980 that means ‘to domineer, exercise power over, dominate, lord it over’, and H7989 that means ‘having mastery, domineering, master, ruler’.
This is evidence that the New Testament was written in Hebrew and translated into Greek, then the Greek into English. It is also evidence that the Greek and English translations do not always accurately capture the meaning of the Hebrew text, thus can be misleading.
Since Strong’s has categorized various Hebrew words as G2962 that means ‘lord, Lord’, we must go through the Hebrew text manually to see how many times Yahweh occurs.
Strong’s G2962 is found 741 times (Romans 45 times) in KJV, 721 times (Romans 44 times) in NAS, 716 times (Romans 43 times) in HCS & BSB, 665 times (Romans 43 times) in ESV and 758 times (Romans 48 times) in WEB because the Hebrew words are classified differently by translators.
Of the 44 occurrences of G2962 in Romans, 9 are Yahweh and 35 are adon/adonay, and looking at the verses in question, we see the damage done to the meaning of verses where Yahweh is translated ‘Lord’.
Romans 1:7 adonay,
Romans 4:8 Yahweh, 24 adonay,
- In Romans 4:8 “Blessed Adam not impute Yahweh to him sin.”
Romans 5:1 adonay, 11 adonay (not translated in NASB, ESV, NLT & NIV), 21 adonay,
Romans 6:11 adonay (not translated in NASB, ESV, NLT & NIV), 23 adonay,
Romans 7:25 adonay,
Romans 8:39 adonay,
Romans 9:28 adonay, 29 Yahweh,
- In Romans 9:29 is a quote from Isa 1:9 “Unless Yahweh of hosts had left us descendants like Sodom we would have become and like Gomorrah we would have been made.”
Romans 10:9 adon, 12 adon, 13 Yahweh, 16 Yahweh,
- In Romans 10:13 is a quote from Joel 2:32 “everyone who calls on the name of Yahweh will be saved.”
- In Romans 10:16 is a quote from Isa 53:1 Yahweh “who has believed our message.”
Romans 11:3 Yahweh, 34 Yahweh,
- Romans 11:3 refers to 1 Kings 19:10 & 14 “Yahweh they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars. I am the only one left and they are seeking my life.”
- In Romans 11:34 is a quote from Isa 40:13 “For who has directed (translated ‘known’) the spirit (translated ‘mind’) Yahweh and mighty one (ish not translated) counselor of him know?”
12:11 adon, 19 Yahweh,
- In Romans 12:19 is a quote from Deut 32:25 “Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written ‘for mine is vengeance I will repay’ says Yahweh.”
13:14 adon,
14:4 adonay, 6 (adon x 4), 8 (adon x 3), 11 Yahweh, 14 adon,
- Romans 14:11 refers to Isa 45:23 “As surely as I live says Yahweh every knee will bow before me, every tongue will confess to God.”
15:6 adonay, 11 Yahweh, 30 adonay,
- Romans 15:11 quotes Psalm 117:1 “Praise Yahweh all you nations, extol him all you peoples.”
16:2 adonay, 8 adonay, 11 adonay, 12 (x 2) adonay, 13 adonay, 18 adonay, 20 adonay, 22 adonay, 24 adonay.
I am left with no option but to retranslate the New Testament, since I have made theological decisions based on the faulty English translation.
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