Yahshua’s Preexistance in Heaven

There are many verses that confirm Yahshua’s existence before his incarnation.  John 6:38 states he “came down from heaven”, John 3:13 states he “ascended into heaven” and “descended from heaven”.  In John 17:5 Yahshua asks Yahweh to “glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world (time) existed.”, and in John 17:24 he said “You loved me before the foundation of the world”.  This supports John 1:1 that states he was ‘with God” and “a god”.

Yahshua was the seed of the woman prophesied in Gen 3:15, as stated in Revelation 12: 1 – 2, & 5.

Yahshua was the spirit of Elijah implanted in Mary, as stated in Luke 1:35, who was prophesied to come before the day of Yahweh in Malachi 4:5. Matt 17:12 is translated to make it appear that the name Elijah refers to John the Baptist, but the Hebrew כבר translated ‘already’ to make it sound like Elijah has ‘already come’ is translated ‘already now’ in Matt 3:10 of the axe NOW being at the root of the tree.  We see in looking at the verses where Strong’s G2235 is found that it means ‘now after all this waiting’, not ‘previously’ as we are made to believe in Matt 17:12.

The genealogy in Matt 1:16 states that Yahshua is the child of Mary and Joseph.

The Hebrew text of John 1:14 & 18 has ben בן that means ‘son’, and יחיד that means ‘only, only one, solitary’. The King James and NASB do not translate ben בן, and יחיד is translated ‘only begotten’. The words should be translated ‘only son’, not ‘only begotten’.  The word ‘begotten’ falsely represents that Yahweh is Yahshua’s literal father, like the genealogy in Matt 1:1 to 17, where the Hebrew ולד that means ‘child, offspring’ is translated ‘father’ in NIV and NASB, but ‘begat’ in KJV.

When all the facts are considered, it is evident that translators have mislead people into believing Yahweh is Yahshua’s literal father, and that he is not Elijah.

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