Astronomy and Astrology are Idolatry

In Genesis 1:1 there are the heavens and the earth. An expanse was made in the midst of the waters, to separate the waters below from the waters above v7, called heaven v8. In the heavens there are lights, the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light and stars to govern the night v16. Birds fly above the earth, in the open expanse of the heavens v20. 

The Hebrew רקיע (Strong’s H7549) means ’expanse/firmament/visible arch of the sky’.  According to Strong’s Lexicon ‘raqui’ “refers to the expanse or firmament that God created to separate the waters above from the waters below. It is often understood as the sky or the heavens, serving as a dome-like structure that encompasses the earth.”

There is no globe earth, nor planetary system in the Bible.

Astronomy is merely a scientific form of astrology.  Both worship the sun, moon and stars, which is idolatry.

The Hebrew הבר (Strong’s H1895) translated ‘astrologers’ in Isa 47:13, means ‘to join, to unite, to bind together’, according to Brown-Driver-Briggs means ‘to cut in pieces, to divide in pieces’, fig. ‘to divide off, to determine’ the heavens, refers to the distinguishing of signs of zodiac or other astrological division of the sky, kosmologie of planets and constellations. It is equivalent to חבר (Strong’s H2267) ‘to conjure, to practice magic, a spell that binds’ Isa 47:10, 12.

In Deut 18:10 Not find with you who pass son and daughter in fire, witchcraft of witches, soothsayers and serpent/charmers, and sorcerers, and diviners חבר astrology חבר and enquirers mediums and familiar spirits and seeker god the dead.

In Acts 7: 41 – 43, Stephen said the nation of Israel made a calf, sacrificed to idols אליל, and were rejoicing in the works of their hands, and God turned away and delivered them up to serve the host of heaven. During the 40 years in the wilderness, they worshipped the tabernacle of סכת Molek מלכם and the star כוכב god of them אלהיכם Rompha רמפן, images they made to worship.

In Acts 7:43, the Hebrew soke סך translated ‘tabernacle’ means ‘booth, shelter, thicket’ (Strong’s H5520), from סכך that means ‘to cover, to hedge, to protect, to overshadow’ (Strong’s H5526), and the Hebrew molek is mol מל that means ‘to reign, be king, rule’ (Strong’s H4427), ‘king’ מלך (Strong’s H4428 & H4430), or Molek (Strong’s H4432), with the suffix כם that means ‘your’.

The tabernacle/covering and king in Acts 7:43 are referring to Satan, who in Ezek 28:12 – 19 is the king מלך of Tyre v12, who was in Eden, the garden of God and every precious stone was his covering סכ v13.  He was the anointed cherub who covers סוכך, placed on the holy mountain of God, who walked in the midst of the stones of fire v14.  He was blameless in his ways until unrighteousness was found in him v15, and he sinned and was cast profane from the mountain of God, and destroyed cherub covering סכך from the midst of the stones of fire v16, cast to the ground before kings that they may see him v17, turned to ashes on the earth in the eyes of all who see him v18, and the people were appalled at him, and he will cease to be forever v19.

In Acts 7:43 the Hebrew word translated ‘Rompha’ is the word rom רם that means ‘high place’ Strong’s H7413, ‘to cast, to shoot’ mostly translated ‘to deceive, to betray, to beguile’ Strong’s H7411, ‘to cast, to shoot’ Strongs H7412, or ‘worm’ as a cause and sign of decay Strong’s H7415, and the word pha פנה that means ‘turn’ Strong’s H6437, or ‘corner, chief’ Strong’s H6438.  According to Strong’s Lexicon the Greek remphan (Strong’s G4481) is “associated with the worship of celestial bodies, particularly Saturn, and is mentioned in the context of idolatry and apostasy”.

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