Misinterpretation of the 7 Creation Days Prophecy

In the article The Creation week Reveals God’s 7000 Year Plan of Redemption, the coming of the Messiah is included in the 5th day, and the 2nd coming of the Messiah and the millennial reign are categorized under the 7th day. 


A close look at the 7 creation days in Genesis 1:1 to 2:3, reveals that the Messiah’s 1st and 2nd coming, and his millennial reign with the saints occur on the 6th day, because on the 7th day the new heavens and earth are complete.

The first 3 creation days involve separation – light from dark on day 1 in Gen 1:3 – 5, the waters above from the waters below on day 2 in Gen 1:6 – 8, and the dry land from the waters called seas on day 3 in Gen 1:9 – 13.  Man was separate from God when he was made from the dust in Gen 2:7. As Paul stated in 1 Cor 15:45 “the first man Adam became a living soul”, contrasting him with the Messiah “the last Adam – a life-giving spirit.”

On the 4th creation day in Gen 1:14 – 19, lights are put in the heavens to separate the day from the night, the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night, and stars, as signs and for seasons, days and years.  The tracking of time began when Adam was cast out from the garden of Eden, having become apart (echad אחד translated ‘like one’) from Yahweh God in Gen 3:22 – 23.  In the New Jerusalem, there is no need of the sun or the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illumines it, and its lamp is the Lamb in Rev 21:23. 

On the 5th creation day in Gen 1:20 – 23, the water is filled with fish, sea monsters, and all living creatures that move after their kind, and the sky with every winged bird.  Mankind began multiplying in Gen 4, the generations from Adam to Noah and his offspring in Gen 5, which continues until the end of time, which is the final judgment in Rev 20:11 – 15.  Since there are no seas in the new heaven and earth in Rev 21:1, we can imagine there mustn’t be any fish, sea monsters, or other living creatures in the sea.

All the things created in days 1 – 5 are ‘the first heaven and earth’ that passes away in Rev 21: 1 – 2, and when the new heaven and earth are complete there is no more sea, and the holy city, new Jerusalem, comes down out of heaven from God.  Mankind are separate from God, but in the new heaven and earth, the tabernacle of God is with man, and God dwells among them, and they are God’s people Rev 21:3.

The 6th creation day is the day the righteous are clothed in ‘fine white linen’.  (The meaning of the Hebrew שש, translated ‘six’.  https://archive.org/details/cu31924026851208/page/1449/mode/1up)

The 6th day begins with the separation of Israel – ‘living souls’, from the nations – ‘creeping things and animal’s’ in Gen 1:24 – 25.  This started with Abraham and Sarah (the free woman, not the slave Gal 4:22 – 23), through whom would come the promised seed Gen 3:15, that was the Messiah in Galatians 3:16.

The 77 generations from Adam to the Messiah listed in Luke 3:23-38, is the 77th generation prophesied in Daniel 9: 24 – 27, when Yahweh would have compassion on the city and people called by his name, in answer to Daniel’s prayers in Dan 9:17 – 19.

The generation the Messiah was born, is when God made man (adam אדם) in their image, to rule over the living creatures in the sea and the sky and on the earth Gen 1:26, Gods created man (adam אדם) in their image, male and female, blessed them Gen 1:27, which is the reign of the Messiah and the saints for a thousand years in Rev 20:4.

During the millennial reign of the Messiah and the saints, the harvest continues and they “are fruitful and multiply and fill union the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the living creatures of the sea, the heavens and on the earth, and gave them the fruit of every herb and every tree for food, to every creature on the earth, every bird in the air, and every creeping thing on the earth leader in him soul live union with all green herb to consume and be upright station.” in Gen 1:28 – 30.

The 7th creation day is when the heavens and the earth are completed, and all their hosts, and Yahweh rests (Hebrew שבת that means ‘sabbath, rest’) from his work, and set it apart (Hebrew קדש translated ‘sanctified’) in Gen 2:1 – 3.

The number 7, the Hebrew שביע, is a form of שבע that means ‘to satiate, to satisfy’, or ‘to bind with an oath’. https://archive.org/details/cu31924026851208/page/1335/mode/1up

Yahshua said “My Father is working until now, and I myself am working” in John 5:17.  https://biblehub.com/text/john/5-17.htm .  The Hebrew word translated ‘working’ is פעל that means ‘to make, to fashion, to form’, the root means ‘to cut into, to divide’ then ‘to form, to create, to make’, like ברא.  https://archive.org/details/cu31924026851208/page/1143/mode/1up .  This ‘working’ must continue until after the Gog war and final judgment in Rev 20: 7 – 15. 

Only then are the new heaven and new earth are complete, and the holy city, new Jerusalem, comes down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband, and the tabernacle of God is “with community עם sons of בני  the Adam האדם“ in Rev 21: 1 – 3.  (In the Greek text עם is translated ‘with’, בני is not translated, and האדם is translated ‘men’.)  https://biblehub.com/text/revelation/21-3.htm

Many prophesies were fulfilled on the 6th creation day.  As discussed above, the righteous are clothed in ‘fine white linen’, through the Messiah – the promised seed Gal 3:15, who will crush the head of the serpent in Gen 3:15, in the 77th generation listed in Luke 3: 23 – 38 as prophesied in Daniel 9: 24 – 27, beginning the millennial reign of the Messiah and the saints in Rev 20:4. But there are other prophesies like the day of Yahweh, the great tribulation, the resurrection, judgment, and the Gog war, that are critical to understanding what prophesies were fulfilled in the Apostles generation, and what are yet to be fulfilled, so we can better understand the situation we find ourselves in today.

In the next article we will look at All the Prophecies Fulfilled on the 6th Day.